Thursday, December 29, 2011

Holiday Sugar Hangover?????

Holiday sugar hangover????

The tin of peppermint bark is empty, the pies polished off, and the Yule log cake
reduced to crumbs.
Left in their wake, however, is the sugar hangover, that annual holiday tradition that may include an upset stomach, headache, lethargy, brain fog, skin problems, join pain, mood swings, allergy symptoms, and a heap of regret.
How to recover from a sugar hangover
While alcohol hangover cures are a folklore staple, you can take solid steps to recover from your sugar hangover:
·      Quit eating sweets. Those holiday treats have sent your blood sugar levels skyrocketing and plummeting repeatedly, taxing the immune system, the brain, hormone balance, and every other system in the body.

To recover, put blood sugar levels on an even keel by eating protein every two to three hours, eating a good breakfast, and avoiding starchy foods, desserts, and sweet drinks (soda, sweet coffee drinks) that spike blood sugar. Instead focus on quality proteins, leafy vegetables, and good sources of fat (olive oil, avocado, coconut oil, salmon, etc.)

·      Drink plenty of water. This is also the most popular alcohol hangover cure for a reason. Staying hydrated with clean filtered water will help flush your body of toxins and aid in recovery.

·      Support your liver. Processing all those sweets burdens your liver. Help your liver flush these toxins with such liver detox nutrients as milk thistle, dandelion, N-acetyl L-cysteine, beet root, panax ginseng, and more. Contact my office for more advice on liver detoxification.

·      Restore your gut. Sweets cause inflammation, promote overgrowth of harmful yeast and bacteria, and irritate the gastric lining. You can restore gut health by avoiding sweets and other starchy foods, temporarily adopting a strict detox diet that eliminates common immune triggers (i.e., gluten), and by eating cultured and fermented foods.

·      Move your body. A brisk walk, a swim, yoga, or some other gentle exercise will get your lymphatic system pumping and blood flowing to help flush toxins and rejuvenate cells. You may want to avoid extremely vigorous exercise until hangover symptoms subside so as not to further promote inflammation.
Why not go for a New Year's detox?
These are some basics to help you recover from a sugar hangover and get you back on the wellness path. In fact, all of these tips will help you recover from an alcohol hangover, too. For more advanced strategies and to get started on a detox plan for the New Year, contact my office.
What are your tips for a sugar hangover cure?
Of course the best way to cure a sugar hangover is to avoid one. But if you happen to overindulge on special occasions, what are some of your tips for a sugar hangover cure?

Friday, October 28, 2011

All about Glutathione/ Glutathione Recycler/Apex Energetics Supplements/Chiropractic Eden Prairie, MN.

About Glutathione

What is Glutathione?
Glutathione is a very straightforward molecule that is produced naturally all the time in your body. It is a combination of three simple building blocks of protein or amino acids — cysteine, glycine and glutamine.
The secret of its power is the sulfur (SH) chemical groups it contains. Sulfur is a sticky, smelly molecule. It acts like fly paper and all the bad things in the body stick onto it, including free radicals and toxins like mercury and other heavy metals.
Normally glutathione is recycled in the body — except when the toxic load becomes too great. And that explains why we are in such trouble …
The Importance of Glutathione in Protecting Against Chronic Illness:
Glutathione is critical for one simple reason: It recycles antioxidants. You see, dealing with free radicals is like handing off a hot potato. They get passed around from vitamin C to vitamin E to lipoic acid and then finally to glutathione which cools off the free radicals and recycles other antioxidants. After this happens, the body can “reduce” or regenerate another protective glutathione molecule and we are back in business.
However, problems occur when we are overwhelmed with too much oxidative stress or too many toxins. Then the glutathione becomes depleted and we can no longer protect ourselves against free radicals, infections, or cancer and we can’t get rid of toxins. This leads to further sickness and soon we are in the downward spiral of chronic illness.
But that’s not all. Glutathione is also critical in helping your immune system do its job of fighting infections and preventing cancer. That’s why studies show that it can help in the treatment of AIDS.
In fact, the top British medical journal, the Lancet, found the highest glutathione levels in healthy young people, lower levels in healthy elderly, lower still in sick elderly and the lowest of all in the hospitalized elderly. 
Keeping yourself healthy, boosting your performance, preventing disease and aging well depends on keeping your glutathione levels high. I’ll say it again … Glutathione is so important because it is responsible for keeping so many of the keys to UltraWellness optimized.
It is critical for immune function and controlling inflammation. It is the master detoxifier and the body’s main antioxidant, protecting our cells and making our energy metabolism run well.
And the good news is that you can do many things to increase this natural and critical molecule in your body. You can eat glutathione-boosting foods. You can exercise. And you can take glutathione-boosting supplements.
At our clinic we like to use two products from Apex Energetics:
They are Glutathione Recycler of Super Oxicell cream based formula.
Call today to schedule a free consultation.
952 833 3038
Yours in health,
Dr. Jeremy Schmoe DC

What is Parkinson's disease- Chiropractic/Functional Neurology/Glutathione/Holistic/Eden Prairie, MN.


What is Parkinson’s Disease?

  A neurodegenerative brain disorder that progresses slowly in most people. What this means is that individuals with PD will be living with PD for twenty years or more from the time of diagnosis. However, having PD does not mean you cannot have a good quality of life. Because there is no cure, your doctors will be focused and dedicated to finding treatments that help control the symptoms of PD and enable you to manage your PD.

Normally, there are brain cells (neurons) in the human brain that produce dopamine. These neurons concentrate in a particular area of the brain, called the substantia nigra. Dopamine is a chemical that relays messages between the substantia nigra and other parts of the brain to control movements of the human body. Dopamine helps humans to have smooth coordinated muscle movements. When approximately 60 to 80% of the dopamine-producing cells are damaged, and do not produce enough dopamine, the motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease appear. This process of impairment of brain cells is called neurodegeneration.
The current theory (so-called Braak’s hypothesis) is that the earliest signs of Parkinson’s are found in the enteric nervous system, the medulla and in particular, the olfactory bulb, which controls your sense of smell. Under this theory, Parkinson’s only progresses to the substantia nigra and cortex over the years. This theory is increasingly borne out by evidence that non-motor symptoms, such as a loss of sense of smell, hyposmia, sleep disorders and constipation may precede the motor features of the disease by several years. For this reason, researchers are increasingly focused on these “non-motor” symptoms to both detect PD as early as possible and to look for ways to stop its 
Early Stage Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease
  • Change in facial expression (staring, lack of blinking)
  • Failure to swing one arm when walking
  • Flexion (stooped) posture
  • “Frozen” painful shoulder
  • Limping or dragging of one leg
  • Numbness, tingling, achiness or discomfort of the neck or limbs
  • Softness of the voice
  • Subjective sensation of internal trembling
  • A tremor when limb is relaxed (about 25% of patients, however, will not have a tremor)
  • Symptoms on one side of the body
  • Loss of sense of smell
  • Constipation
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
If you are having any of these early symptoms schedule a free consultation today! By combining functional neurological care, nutrition, and chiropractic we have had success providing supporting care and management for patients with Parkinson's disease.

Call 952 833 3038

Your in health,

Dr. Jeremy Schmoe DC

Neurotransmitters off??? Chiropractic Eden Prairie/Functional Neurology/Nutrition/Holistic Chiropractic/Eden Prairie, MN.

Main Neurotransmitters Assessed:
Serotonin: Low serotonin is associated with depression, PMS, seasonal affective disorder, inner rage, and a general loss of enthusiasm.

• Dopamine: Low dopamine is associated with a short temper, low self-esteem, poor focus and concentration, and addictive behavior.

• GABA: Low GABA is associated with stress, anxiety, panic, feeling overwhelmed, chronic worry, restlessness, and feelings of dread.

• Acetylcholine: Low acetylcholine is associated with memory loss, difficulty learning, difficulty calculating numbers, slow mental response, and poor visual memory (trouble remembering faces or where you parked your car).

Visit my website to fill our neurotransmitter and metabolic assessment forms. Call today to schedule a free consultation! 952 833 3038

Eden Prairie/Chiropractic/Balance Therapy/Balance Screenings/Improve your balance/Chiropractic/Eden Prairie/Functional Neurology

FREE Computerized Balance Screenings:

Fall prevention is a necessary part of any wellness program for people of all ages. That's why Schmoe Chiropractic Clinic LLC is taking a proactive approach to fall prevention and rehabilitation. As a community service project we intend to screen as many people as possible for free. Balance screening saves countless dollars, emotional and physical pain, and most importantly it saves lives. 

Call today for your free computerized balance screening! 952 833 3038.

We use platform posturography to measure how great or poor your balance is!

Eyes open, eyes closed, head L, head R.

We then give you ideas of some exercises to try to improve your balance. Improving you balance can lead to muscles being less tense and sore, improve your golf game, etc...

Call today 952 833 3038 to schedule

Eden Prairie Chiropractor. Eden Prairie, MN. ADHD. Nutrition. Chiropractic. Functional Neurology

Our Model for supporting Neurodevelopmental Disorders
1. Involve the Parents- Read the Books Disconnected and Re-Connected Kids by Dr. Rob Melillo.

2. Nourish the Brain for peak outcomes• Essential fatty acids- DHA
• Neurotransmitter support
• Dampen Neuroinflammation
• Diet changes to support Healthy Brain Function. Monitor food sensitivities.

3. Stimulate areas of the brain that are decreased in function to promote development with Neurological Rehab exercises and light force chiropractic adjusting when indicated.

4. Become part of a team - communication with the child’s other health care providers.

Neurodevelopmental disorders are complex involving multiple neurological mechanism, autoimmunity, immune dysregulation, and gut dysfunction. 

Which one is your child?

Your child is anxious and has a hyperactive startle response. We look into GABA physiology, blood sugar regulation, gluten sensitivities, food sensitivities, and overall ability of the brain to inhibit.

Your child is hyperactive and seems to bounce all over the place. We use rehab exercise to promote inhibition and consider mechanisms related to GABA and blood sugar regulation.

Your child is depressed as are about 25 % of children with ADHD. We consider mechanisms to promote optimal neurotransmitter production and make sure their brain has good sources of DHA.

Your child is inflexible, rigid, and always needs to have things their way. We look into overall neurotransmitter balance especially dopamine physiology and neuro rehab exercises to promote cognitive flexibility.

Your child is a daydreamer with his head in the clouds. They are inattentive with decreased focus and concentration. We use neuro rehab to increase overall firing of the brain, DHA support, neurotransmitter support, food sensitivities, methyl donors.

Visit www.adhdsupportmnchiro or to schedule.

6805 Flying Cloud Drive, Eden Prairie, MN, 55344

Chiropractic care for the Eden Prairie area.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Eden Prairie, MN. Chiropractic. Supporting therapy and management for Autoimmune conditions.

On your initial visit the doctor will order all laboratory testing needed to properly manage your autoimmune disorder. After the labs have been received by our clinic your treatment will begin. It is essential that laboratory testing is performed prior to the beginning of treatment. This allows the doctor to determine the nature of the disorder and how to properly manage it.The optimal approach to treating any autoimmune disorder is to eliminate the trigger of the disorder, and to normalize the immune system.The length of this program varies for each individual.

Our autoimmune management strategies follow the following process:
Specific blood tests such as:
#1: A thyroid panel 

#2: A complete metabolic panel (CMP)

#3: A lipid panel

#4: A CBC (complete blood chemistry with auto differential)
We can assess your thyroid, adrenal glands, liver, kidneys, red/white blood cells and gut function with the above lab tests. All can be affected with chronic health conditions. By addressing any problems with your thyroid, adrenal glands, blood chemistry, or gut function, we can help you to heal faster. The CMP also allows us to check your blood glucose levels since glucose and oxygen are needed by the brain to function properly.
#5: Sensitivity Testing: This test determines if you have sensitivity to gluten (wheat, rye, oats, and barley), milk, eggs, yeast, and soy.If you are sensitive to ANY of these food groups, it IS making your auto immune condition worse! If you have the following symptoms, you could be suffering from sensitivity to gluten, soy, milk, eggs, and/or yeast. 
Here are some of the symptoms of these sensitivities:

Chronic pain or fatigue

Frequent indigestion

Bloated after eating

Frequent loose bowel movements


Mouth ulcers or sores

Vomit often or nausea

The only way to find out if you are suffering from any of these sensitivities is to run the tests!
#6: Adrenal Stress Index (ASI): We can further test your adrenal glands with a test called an Adrenal Stress Index. This is a salivary test much like DNA testing. Your adrenal glands are your stress organs meaning that they react to stress. If you have been or are currently under stress, this test is a must!
 IF YOU SUFFER FROM INSOMNIA OR BLOOD SUGAR ISSUES, THIS TEST WILL MEASURE YOUR CORTISOL LEVELS. When your body's cortisol levels are abnormal, you will suffer from insomnia andor problems with your blood sugar. Cortisol levels can be corrected via specific nutritional protocols.
#7: Immune Panels: As you know, an autoimmune disease is where your immune system attacks a particular area of the body (nervous system, joints, connective tissue, thyroid, etc.) so we test for specific antibodies to determine if you suffer from an autoimmune condition.

Immune Panels:
A: Lymphocyte Subpopulation 
B: Cytokine Panels IL-2, TNF-Alpha, IL-4 and IL-10
C: Natural Killer Cell Activity
. The immune panels give me an in depth picture as to what is exactly happening with your immune system. If you are suffering from an auto-immune disorder, it trumps everything and it must be the first thing to be addressed.
 Your immune system has two parts .TH1 and TH2.
 We need to find out which part is working and which one is not working. Only then, can we successfully treat your specific AI condition.
#8: H.Pylori:We can run a test for H. Pylori bacteria to determine any problems related to the gut function.
#9: Intestinal Permeability: Used to determine if the patient suffers from leaky gut syndrome (LGS).
LGS or Leaky gut syndrome describes a condition of altered or damaged bowel lining, caused by antibioticstoxins, poor diet, parasites or infection can lead to increased permeability of the gut wall to toxins, microbes, undigested food, waste or larger than normal macromolecules. It has been proposed that these substances affect the body directly, while others postulate autoimmune reaction to these substances.
#10: NEUROTRANSMITTERS:We test subjectively with evaluation form for decreased brain neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are vital for proper brain function. Decreased neurotransmitters can cause increased pain.
#11: HORMONE PANELS: We can check hormone panels to determine if the patient suffers from low testosterone in males or low estrogen/progesterone levels in females. Symptoms related to decreased hormone levels may include depression, fatigue, mental fogginess, mood swings, hot flashes, sweating attacks, weight gain, and decreased physical stamina.
#12:INFLAMMATION:Finally, we may need to test for inflammation in your system by testing homocysteine levels and C – reactive protein (C-RP). Many patients suffering from chronic health conditions suffer from inflammatory processes. Just about every fibromyalgia patient that I have treated suffers from some form of chronic inflammatory process.
#13: GLUTATHIONE: We use Glutathione in our treatment of ALL AI conditions. Glutathione is the mother-load of anti-oxidants. Glutathione cannot be taken orally in pill form as the body will not absorb it. We have seen miraculous changes in our patient population as a result of our specific glutathione protocols. Glutathione is especially helpful with autoimmune diseases.
Autoimmune Management is the medical science that combines immunology, endocrinology, and nutrition to correct dysfunction in the metabolic system

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Chiropractic Eden Prairie. Functional Neurology. Chiropractic care for Chronic Neck and Back pain.

A chiropractic adjustment at one level can have a variety of consequences, depending on the individual. Joint angulations and fixed postures that chiropractors see daily: toe in, toe out, shoulder impingement syndromes, hyper lordosis lower back, shin splints and tight psoas muscles are all a consequence of how our brains are setting muscle tone and controlling posture.

You need to have had the appropriate development/inhibition of primitive reflexes to develop your Postural Reflexes. 

We provide chiropractic adjustments in addition to performing exercises to improve eye muscle stability and balance. By improving the way that your eyes move your spine will move better.

Examples of exercises:

Standing on a vibrational platform to fire muscles.

Eye and head exercises to improve eye tracking and gaze stability.

Spinning in a rotational chair in specific directions and speeds

Read the article below about Primitive reflex remediation to help improve neck/back pain.

Chiropractic Eden Prairie, MN/Holistic/Chiropractic/Functional Neurology/Primitive Reflexes/ADHD/Neurodevelopmental Disorders/Adults/Children

Neurodevelopment in Children- A great explanation by Sue Hyland Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner.

At Schmoe Chiropractic Clinic LLC we utilize neurological rehabilitation to remediate retained Primitive reflexes in Adults and Children. An example of one exercise is cognitive dual tasking-saying every other letter of the alphabet while doing a complicated hand figure eight motion tapping fingers. A majority of training involves vestibular based modalities- example spinning in specific directions or moving your eyes in specific directions and speeds, as well as specific low force chiropractic adjustments to the spine or extremities.

To understand why children can be essentially intelligent but fail to learn in the way that the majority do, it is necessary to understand that the brain is divided into many distinct areas of specialization. Each area must be connected to each other, and as a whole, to integrate all stimuli to make sense of our world and to enable us to respond to that world. This is technically called sensory motor integration. In another language it can be called processing and we frequently hear of children who are found to have auditory processing delay or difficulty and/or visual processing difficulty. This simply means that the ears and eyes, the nerve pathways, and the appropriate sensory areas in the brain do not register and interpret the stimuli as quickly, or effectively, as in others. It also means that the corresponding motor, or reactive center, of the brain does not respond as effectively or quickly. If a child cannot hear distinctly or fast enough what is presented to their ears; if they cannot see quickly and sharply what is presented to their eyes; is it surprising then that they experience difficulties with learning? Equally, if their response time is longer than others then they are still cogitating the problem when the rest of the class has moved on. But why does this happen?
When a baby is developing the brain grows from the bottom up, so that the automatic, unconscious, regions of the brain are the first to function. The brain of a fetus and newborn infant is wired in a way to promote initial survival at a reflex level. A reflex is an unconscious predictable response to a specific event or stimulus, for instance the knee jerk following a tap just below the knee. The stimulus / response, involving a simple sensory / motor loop type of nerve pathway, does not interact with the higher conscious brain and the reaction is always the same. We know that a young baby does not have good co-ordination, good eye control or vision. We know that although all the nerve cells are in place at birth most of the connections between the nerve cells and between the specialist centers are not developed. These connections develop all of our lives and are the very essence of learning. Initially most movement is a reflex response to the infant’s head position, but as the head becomes more controlled the reflex reaction becomes modified. We know that babies develop in stages, each stage heralding more complex abilities and control as the brain matures and new wiring is laid down. These abilities and controls being a combination of more adult “Postural Reflexes” - generating from the mid brain and overriding many of the lower Primitive Reflex reactions - and willed movement initiated by the higher conscious brain. It is also known that the very movements of our baby days, such as rolling, crawling, are essential for our later development. It is these movements that promote the development from the baby wiring to the more adult wiring of the brain.
Sometimes the change from the baby wiring does not proceed as it should, so that the various specialized centers do not develop as well as they should and cannot then perform their function as well as they should. This condition is called Neuro-Developmental Delay. Not all of those very early reflexes disappear; for instance the knee jerk reaction should remain all of our lives, as do the reflexes that promote breathing and the heartbeat. In fact, none of the developmental Primitive Reflexes truly disappear, they simply become outmoded, or inhibited, by the stronger reactions created by the Postural Reflexes. Very few of us are completely without some primitive reaction to head position. When a cluster of Primitive Reflexes remain, that is 3 or more, they are counter productive to normal neuro-development and can give rise to any number of physical, intellectual, social and emotional developmental difficulties. Some of these symptoms are listed below:
◦ Reading and Writing Difficulty
◦ Numeracy and Organizational Difficulties
◦ Co-ordination Problems and Clumsiness
◦ Poor Concentration / Distractibility
◦ Visual and Auditory Processing Difficulties
◦ Daytime Poor Bladder Control and / or Bedwetting
◦ Delayed Speech and Language Disorders
◦ Hypersensitivity: both physical and emotional
◦ Impulsiveness
◦ Aggressive Outbursts: verbal and physical
◦ Hyperactivity or Immature Behavior
◦ Stressed, Withdrawn, and over Tired
◦ Lack of Energy and Poor Motivation
◦ Balance Problems
◦ School Phobia
◦ Hearing and sequencing difficulties
All of these signs and symptoms are suggestive of a delay in development. An individual may have them in any number; or, in any combination. Obviously the greater the number the greater the developmental delay and the greater the difficulty for the individual and their family.
Normally as the lower centers within the brain grow their circuits upwards, the natural inhibitors develop within the system to block sensory overload and to modify impulse control. Many of the children with Neuro-Developmental Delay do not have these mechanisms in place; they cannot regulate the flow of incoming messages, frequently becoming bogged down by too much information. Just like those days when your tired, or hung over, and there are too many demands, too much noise, too much information to process, too quickly, and with no hold button, or cut off mechanism. And just like you, on those days, too little ability to control the build up of confusion and frustration. Remember though, these individuals have more than their fair share of confusion and frustration. Poor impulse control also accounting for the inability to not say that thought, not pinch that child, not use that word.
To summaries: the majority of movements in the baby are automatic responses to head position, generated by a collection of reflexes that come from the brain stem. These reflexes are called Primitive Reflexes, all babies are tested for them at birth, they result in instinctual patterns of movements common to all babies. It is these stereotyped movements that result in the development of the baby and why the baby develops in specific chronological stages. Natural progression resulting in the development of new nerve connections (synapses) up through the brain stem into the midbrain. These connections allowing the Postural Reflexes to manage posture, balance and balance adjustment, eye movement and image stability in a much more controlled way. Failure within the mechanisms of development can result in a cluster of Primitive Reflex reactions remaining, which will always undermine automatic control.
Sometimes the same difficulties are described in a more formal way, such as:
◦ ADD - Attention Deficit Disorder
◦ ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder
◦ Dyslexia - Difficulty with language, applied by some to mean reading, writing and sometimes speech, and by others just to mean a reading difficulty.
◦ Dyspraxia - Difficulty with co-ordination
◦ Dyscalculia - Difficulty with numbers.
◦ Dysgraphia - Difficulty with writing
◦ Dystonia - Difficulty maintaining a balanced muscle tone.
◦ PDD - Pervasive Developmental Disorder
◦ DAMP - Deficits in Attention, Motor control and Perception
The above is also a list of symptoms, but using more cryptic terminology. Just because the terms appear to have a medical reference doesn’t necessarily make them more helpful or more justifiable. As you can readily see dys, as a prefix, simply means difficulty. Many people find having a name for a condition helpful, it means that what they have is known about, they are not alone. However, frequently these terms can have different meanings for different people, which can result in very different perceptions of the difficulty, with very different techniques in treatment. These terms tend to refer to the sign or symptom of greatest difficulty, or that part of the condition perceived as presenting the greatest difficulty by the parent or teacher. Many people with dyslexia demonstrate difficulty with maths, co-ordination, writing, attention and maintenance of muscle tone. So given a different day, or tester, that individual could have been named Dyspraxic, ADD, or any of the others referred to above. More accurately, many could be awarded the entire list, ceasing to be a child with difficulties but a whole collection of conditions.
As these names refer to the symptoms they do not refer to the underlying cause. Treatment, to be effective, must also address that underlying cause; not simply suppress the symptoms. Whether dys or having a difficulty with, disordered or easily distracted, they are all symptoms suggestive of a developmental delay arising from poor integration of the various separate areas within the brain.


 computerized balance screenings!

FREE Computerized Balance Screenings:

Fall prevention is a necessary part of any wellness program for people of all ages. That's why Schmoe Chiropractic Clinic LLC is taking a proactive approach to fall prevention and rehabilitation. As a community service project we intend to screen as many people as possible for free. Balance screening saves countless dollars, emotional and physical pain, and most importantly it saves lives. Call today for your free computerized balance screening! 952 833 3038.