Their Effect on Learning, Behavior and Quality of Life Structural Corrections That Assist Their Integration, Written by: Keith Keen, Sydney, Australia, 2006.
Primitive Reflexes are essential for survival and development in the womb and in the early months of life.
Retained beyond the normal age of integration they can disturb behavior, learning, posture, perception, gross or fine motor control, and more.
At Schmoe Chiropractic Clinic we utilize primitive reflex remediation exercises, vestibular rehab therapy, light force chiropractic adjustments, and nutritional therapy to help manage conditions in Adults and Children with Neurodevelopmental conditions.
Our Nervous System is essential for perceiving the world around us, for movement; for thinking, feeling, learning, communicating, working, playing, loving, surviving.
Anatomically, the central nervous system is composed of the brain and spinal cord. The brain may be divided into a hierarchy of centers:
1) The most evolved thinking and integrating part, the cerebral cortex at the top.
2) The older brain of instinct and housekeeping in the middle.
3) The oldest, the brainstem, just above the spinal cord. Of course these "centers" are not isolated, they are quite complexly interlinked, but separating them helps to understand brain processes.
"Primitive" means "earliest of its kind" as the centers controlling primitive reflexes are in the oldest (most primitive) part of the brain, the brainstem.
In the womb and in early months of life the higher centers of our central nervous system are not fully developed. During this time we are protected and assisted by reflexes, controlled by lower centers of our brain. A reflex does not involve thinking, it is an involuntary response.
That is: given an external stimulus (e.g. touch, noise, heat) or internal stimulus (e.g. hunger) there is an automatic, involuntary reaction if the relevant reflex is active. Reflex response varies from simple muscular movement (e.g. moving a body part away from pain) to quite complex reflexes involving body movements, breathing, perceptual and hormonal changes.
Primitive reflexes are needed for survival and development in the womb and in early months of life. As higher centers begin to mature enough for conscious control of activity, the involuntary, uncontrollable reflex responses are a nuisance. The reflexes anatomically and neurologically stay for the remainder of our life, but, if all is well, they are integrated into higher center control.
Retained Primitive Reflexes:
Primitive reflexes ideally begin to function in a particular order and are integrated in a specific sequence. If they are retained out of sequence, they disturb the development and integration of subsequent reflexes. If they are retained beyond their normal age of integration they can disturb some or all of the functions of higher centers, which includes behavior, learning, the integration of gross or fine movements and more. Basically, the perception of our inner and outer environment and our response to it may be disturbed; that is, conscious life may be disturbed.
It appears that trauma of some kind is involved somewhere between conception and early months of life. The trauma can be physical, chemical, hormonal or other forms not yet researched. In utero many chemicals and hormones can pass through the umbilical cord; all manner of traumatic events can occur in the delicate early months of life; but the big one appears to be birth trauma. Statistics and clinical observation show that there may be genetic factors. These appear to be predispositions that raise the probability of problems arising from trauma.
Primitive Reflexes are essential for survival and development in the womb and in the early months of life.
Retained beyond the normal age of integration they can disturb behavior, learning, posture, perception, gross or fine motor control, and more.
At Schmoe Chiropractic Clinic we utilize primitive reflex remediation exercises, vestibular rehab therapy, light force chiropractic adjustments, and nutritional therapy to help manage conditions in Adults and Children with Neurodevelopmental conditions.
Our Nervous System is essential for perceiving the world around us, for movement; for thinking, feeling, learning, communicating, working, playing, loving, surviving.
Anatomically, the central nervous system is composed of the brain and spinal cord. The brain may be divided into a hierarchy of centers:
1) The most evolved thinking and integrating part, the cerebral cortex at the top.
2) The older brain of instinct and housekeeping in the middle.
3) The oldest, the brainstem, just above the spinal cord. Of course these "centers" are not isolated, they are quite complexly interlinked, but separating them helps to understand brain processes.
"Primitive" means "earliest of its kind" as the centers controlling primitive reflexes are in the oldest (most primitive) part of the brain, the brainstem.
In the womb and in early months of life the higher centers of our central nervous system are not fully developed. During this time we are protected and assisted by reflexes, controlled by lower centers of our brain. A reflex does not involve thinking, it is an involuntary response.
That is: given an external stimulus (e.g. touch, noise, heat) or internal stimulus (e.g. hunger) there is an automatic, involuntary reaction if the relevant reflex is active. Reflex response varies from simple muscular movement (e.g. moving a body part away from pain) to quite complex reflexes involving body movements, breathing, perceptual and hormonal changes.
Primitive reflexes are needed for survival and development in the womb and in early months of life. As higher centers begin to mature enough for conscious control of activity, the involuntary, uncontrollable reflex responses are a nuisance. The reflexes anatomically and neurologically stay for the remainder of our life, but, if all is well, they are integrated into higher center control.
Retained Primitive Reflexes:
Primitive reflexes ideally begin to function in a particular order and are integrated in a specific sequence. If they are retained out of sequence, they disturb the development and integration of subsequent reflexes. If they are retained beyond their normal age of integration they can disturb some or all of the functions of higher centers, which includes behavior, learning, the integration of gross or fine movements and more. Basically, the perception of our inner and outer environment and our response to it may be disturbed; that is, conscious life may be disturbed.
It appears that trauma of some kind is involved somewhere between conception and early months of life. The trauma can be physical, chemical, hormonal or other forms not yet researched. In utero many chemicals and hormones can pass through the umbilical cord; all manner of traumatic events can occur in the delicate early months of life; but the big one appears to be birth trauma. Statistics and clinical observation show that there may be genetic factors. These appear to be predispositions that raise the probability of problems arising from trauma.
Consequences of Retained Primitive Reflexes
Fear Paralysis Reflex:
If this reflex is retained after birth, it can be characterized by withdrawal, reticence at being involved in anything new, fear of different circumstances, the child who bears the brunt of teasing by normally adventurous children. Inappropriate retention of the fear paralysis reflex can contribute to such conditions as elective mutism, and hypersensitivity to sensory information and may result in physical and psychological conditions such as Panic Disorders. As it begins first and is normally integrated first, retained fear paralysis reflex may effect the integration of any other primitive reflex. Common presentations of children and adults who have retained this reflex include: being easily stressed, hypersensitive to noise and chemicals, allergies, difficulty learning to speak, withdrawal (quietly or noisily), altered sleep patterns (usually too little sleep), easily scared and shy, separation anxiety, panic disorders and being generally over-reactive to change.
Moro Reflex/Startle:
The reflex is set off by excessive information in any of the baby's senses. A loud noise, bright light, sudden rough touch, sudden dropping or tilting, turns on this "one reflex suits all" reflex. The reflex has to cover all eventualities so the child's sympathetic hormonal and neurological response is elicited, preparing the child's body for whatever turned on its alarm system. If the Moro reflex persists beyond three to six months of age it becomes an automatic therefore uncontrollable overreaction, overriding the newly acquired higher center decision-making. The child (or adult) may be hypersensitive to any of the senses and so may withdraw from situations, or, as it stimulates sympathetic fight or flight responses, the person may be an aggressive, over reactive, highly excitable, and unable to turn off and relax. Those with retained Moro may be very difficult to understand, they may be loving, perceptive and imaginative but at the same time immature, over reactive and aggressive. As an adrenal response may be inappropriately elicited many times a day and is on standby most of the time, there is a constant demand on the adrenal glands.
Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex (ATNR):
In the first months of life, while the ATNR is operating, the hand moves in conjunction with the head. This connection between touch and vision helps to establish distance perception and hand eye coordination. By the middle of the first year of life this is normally accomplished and the ATNR, being no longer required, should be integrated.
With retained ATNR, difficulty may be experienced with tasks that involve both left and right sides of the body (including eyes, ears, limbs etc.). Turning the head may cause a visual image to momentarily disappear or parts of the visual field to be missed. Visual tracking and judgment of distance may be affected.
Each time the head is turned the arm wants to follow it and the fingers want to open. Writing therefore requires enormous effort to hold the hand still while the head is doing different things like looking up at a blackboard.
To compensate for this, excessive writing pressure often occurs and/or a clenched fist pencil grip, both of which affect quality and quantity of writing. The act of writing requires intense concentration at the expense of thinking about what is being written, thus they may be fluent of speech but unable to express ideas in written form.
Adults, who suffer recurrent shoulder injury or neck stiffness, especially if always on the same side, often have a unilaterally retained ATNR. It appears that in the presence of some degree of retained ATNR, their hand and eye are not fully neurologically (therefore functionally) independent. This is a constant stress, interrupting the fine organization required for smooth head, eye, arm, and hand coordination, which can lead to structural problems, as well as affecting sports performance.
Tonic Labyrinthine Reflex (TLR):
If the tonic labyrinthine reflex is not integrated at the correct time it will constantly disturb the labyrinthine (balance) system. Head-righting reflexes and therefore visual function may be impaired. The person may experience difficulty in judging space, distance, depth and speed. Susceptibility to motion sickness is common with retained Tonic Labyrinthine Reflex. The TLR begins 12 weeks after conception. It is involved with the vestibular system in the inner ear and helps in the development of a sense of balance. It also interacts with the other senses. There are 2 parts to this reflex. In a baby or young child it can result in a 'floppy' child who appears to have low muscle tone or a 'rigid' child creating stiff, jerky movements (depending on which part has not been fully integrated). If this reflex is retained after the child is starting to walk, the child cannot acquire good upright posture and security on their feet and usually takes longer to learn to walk. They may also have difficulty judging space and where their center is. This can result in lots of falls, poor coordination and impaired vision and hearing. Another very common symptom that the adult or child often suffers is motion sickness due to the detrimental effect on the vestibular system.
Spinal Galant Reflex:
In the newborn, stroking the low back to one side of the spine will result in a twisting away from that side, with a raising of the hip on the same side. Stimulation down both sides of the spine simultaneously activates a related reflex.
If the spinal galant is retained beyond normal time of integration it may be elicited at any time by light pressure in the low back region. In the classroom, the child's belt or waistband or leaning against the back of a chair may activate the reflex, creating the 'ants in the pants' child who wriggles, squirms and constantly changes body position. This constant irritant affects concentration and short-term memory (as well as getting them into trouble). Due to the neurological association with a bladder-voiding reflex, children with retained spinal galant reflex may have poor bladder control. When retained, this reflex may affect posture and walking gait.
Juvenile Suck Reflex:
The newborn projects the tongue forwards to suck a nipple.
In the adult swallow reflex, the tongue moves backwards to push food down the throat. If a juvenile suck reflex is retained, the tongue projects forwards before moving backward in the normal swallow. This tongue thrust continually pushes the front teeth forwards, altering the shape of the upper teeth towards a class 2 bite. It is a huge problem for dentists (and their patients).
• Fussiness with food texture
• Difficulty chewing and swallowing
• Dribbling excessively
As a toddler:
• Speech and articulation problems
• Narrow mouth palate/arch
• Noisy breathing/snoring/apnea
• Further difficulty with chewing and swallowing
• Protruding upper teeth requiring dental intervention
Rooting Reflex:
The Rooting reflex can be demonstrated easily by light touch to the cheek of a baby, which will cause the baby to turn its head to that side, open its mouth and extend the tongue ready to suckle.
When this reflex is retained young child often displays the following signs:
• Hypersensitivity around the mouth and lips
• Fussy eaters
• The tongue may remain too far forward leading to: speech and articulation problems
• Dribbling - difficulty chewing and swallowing
• Gagging and esophageal reflux - thumb suckers
Palmar and Plantar Reflexes:
The palmar and plantar reflexes are part of the group of reflexes which develop in utero, and whose common characteristic is to grasp. Retention may cause poor manual dexterity and/or pencil grip due to reduced independence of thumb and finger movement. Speech difficulties due to a continuing relationship between hand and mouth.
If this reflex is retained after birth, it can be characterized by withdrawal, reticence at being involved in anything new, fear of different circumstances, the child who bears the brunt of teasing by normally adventurous children. Inappropriate retention of the fear paralysis reflex can contribute to such conditions as elective mutism, and hypersensitivity to sensory information and may result in physical and psychological conditions such as Panic Disorders. As it begins first and is normally integrated first, retained fear paralysis reflex may effect the integration of any other primitive reflex. Common presentations of children and adults who have retained this reflex include: being easily stressed, hypersensitive to noise and chemicals, allergies, difficulty learning to speak, withdrawal (quietly or noisily), altered sleep patterns (usually too little sleep), easily scared and shy, separation anxiety, panic disorders and being generally over-reactive to change.
Moro Reflex/Startle:
The reflex is set off by excessive information in any of the baby's senses. A loud noise, bright light, sudden rough touch, sudden dropping or tilting, turns on this "one reflex suits all" reflex. The reflex has to cover all eventualities so the child's sympathetic hormonal and neurological response is elicited, preparing the child's body for whatever turned on its alarm system. If the Moro reflex persists beyond three to six months of age it becomes an automatic therefore uncontrollable overreaction, overriding the newly acquired higher center decision-making. The child (or adult) may be hypersensitive to any of the senses and so may withdraw from situations, or, as it stimulates sympathetic fight or flight responses, the person may be an aggressive, over reactive, highly excitable, and unable to turn off and relax. Those with retained Moro may be very difficult to understand, they may be loving, perceptive and imaginative but at the same time immature, over reactive and aggressive. As an adrenal response may be inappropriately elicited many times a day and is on standby most of the time, there is a constant demand on the adrenal glands.
Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex (ATNR):
In the first months of life, while the ATNR is operating, the hand moves in conjunction with the head. This connection between touch and vision helps to establish distance perception and hand eye coordination. By the middle of the first year of life this is normally accomplished and the ATNR, being no longer required, should be integrated.
With retained ATNR, difficulty may be experienced with tasks that involve both left and right sides of the body (including eyes, ears, limbs etc.). Turning the head may cause a visual image to momentarily disappear or parts of the visual field to be missed. Visual tracking and judgment of distance may be affected.
Each time the head is turned the arm wants to follow it and the fingers want to open. Writing therefore requires enormous effort to hold the hand still while the head is doing different things like looking up at a blackboard.
To compensate for this, excessive writing pressure often occurs and/or a clenched fist pencil grip, both of which affect quality and quantity of writing. The act of writing requires intense concentration at the expense of thinking about what is being written, thus they may be fluent of speech but unable to express ideas in written form.
Adults, who suffer recurrent shoulder injury or neck stiffness, especially if always on the same side, often have a unilaterally retained ATNR. It appears that in the presence of some degree of retained ATNR, their hand and eye are not fully neurologically (therefore functionally) independent. This is a constant stress, interrupting the fine organization required for smooth head, eye, arm, and hand coordination, which can lead to structural problems, as well as affecting sports performance.
Tonic Labyrinthine Reflex (TLR):
If the tonic labyrinthine reflex is not integrated at the correct time it will constantly disturb the labyrinthine (balance) system. Head-righting reflexes and therefore visual function may be impaired. The person may experience difficulty in judging space, distance, depth and speed. Susceptibility to motion sickness is common with retained Tonic Labyrinthine Reflex. The TLR begins 12 weeks after conception. It is involved with the vestibular system in the inner ear and helps in the development of a sense of balance. It also interacts with the other senses. There are 2 parts to this reflex. In a baby or young child it can result in a 'floppy' child who appears to have low muscle tone or a 'rigid' child creating stiff, jerky movements (depending on which part has not been fully integrated). If this reflex is retained after the child is starting to walk, the child cannot acquire good upright posture and security on their feet and usually takes longer to learn to walk. They may also have difficulty judging space and where their center is. This can result in lots of falls, poor coordination and impaired vision and hearing. Another very common symptom that the adult or child often suffers is motion sickness due to the detrimental effect on the vestibular system.
Spinal Galant Reflex:
In the newborn, stroking the low back to one side of the spine will result in a twisting away from that side, with a raising of the hip on the same side. Stimulation down both sides of the spine simultaneously activates a related reflex.
If the spinal galant is retained beyond normal time of integration it may be elicited at any time by light pressure in the low back region. In the classroom, the child's belt or waistband or leaning against the back of a chair may activate the reflex, creating the 'ants in the pants' child who wriggles, squirms and constantly changes body position. This constant irritant affects concentration and short-term memory (as well as getting them into trouble). Due to the neurological association with a bladder-voiding reflex, children with retained spinal galant reflex may have poor bladder control. When retained, this reflex may affect posture and walking gait.
Juvenile Suck Reflex:
The newborn projects the tongue forwards to suck a nipple.
In the adult swallow reflex, the tongue moves backwards to push food down the throat. If a juvenile suck reflex is retained, the tongue projects forwards before moving backward in the normal swallow. This tongue thrust continually pushes the front teeth forwards, altering the shape of the upper teeth towards a class 2 bite. It is a huge problem for dentists (and their patients).
• Fussiness with food texture
• Difficulty chewing and swallowing
• Dribbling excessively
As a toddler:
• Speech and articulation problems
• Narrow mouth palate/arch
• Noisy breathing/snoring/apnea
• Further difficulty with chewing and swallowing
• Protruding upper teeth requiring dental intervention
Rooting Reflex:
The Rooting reflex can be demonstrated easily by light touch to the cheek of a baby, which will cause the baby to turn its head to that side, open its mouth and extend the tongue ready to suckle.
When this reflex is retained young child often displays the following signs:
• Hypersensitivity around the mouth and lips
• Fussy eaters
• The tongue may remain too far forward leading to: speech and articulation problems
• Dribbling - difficulty chewing and swallowing
• Gagging and esophageal reflux - thumb suckers
Palmar and Plantar Reflexes:
The palmar and plantar reflexes are part of the group of reflexes which develop in utero, and whose common characteristic is to grasp. Retention may cause poor manual dexterity and/or pencil grip due to reduced independence of thumb and finger movement. Speech difficulties due to a continuing relationship between hand and mouth.
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